Uitsig, Bloemfontein, Free State ID 848940
Don’t loose out on this great opportunity in the heart of a very popular retirement village, walking distance to all amenities. This retirement village offers frail care services, a panic button for residents, 24 hours security, DSTV package, meals can be ordered from frail care, dining hall, electricity bill is measured by the body corporate and charged to the levy account, water is included in the levy, library and church service, weekly lawn mowing of all units. This property is well looked after with open plan living space, 3 well sized sunny bedrooms, 2 bathrooms(main en-suite), lovely cozy kitchen with lots of cupboards space and under counter oven/hob, washing machine connection, double garage, spacious well established garden with patio, Jo-Jo water tank and Wendy house, Call me now for that viewing slot.
Aguila Real Estate Heuwelsig
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